The importance of having an ecommerce today
With the ever-increasing use of the Internet and its popularity among all demographic segments, e-commerce is undoubtedly the way to go for all companies that sell any kind of product.
Creating an online presence means that an entrepreneur or company can reach potential customers and expand business operations, acquiring significant authority in the market.
It is almost impossible today for a company to compete without a strong online presence, the essence of e-commerce.
A wide range of small and large companies use e-commerce to boost sales by listing their services and products online, where consumers can view them and make inquiries, as well as place orders with a mouse click!
Power to the customer
Through their websites and online advertisements, companies can communicate with their customers and provide information on new products.
Consumer forums and websites that allows consumers to provide feedback and comments on products and services have given the customer more say in the matter.
This is not only good for the customer but also for producers, as they are able to make goods and services more suited to their buyers, avoiding waste and improving final customer satisfaction.
E-commerce also saves time for both companies and consumers and helps those people who for various reasons cannot go to the physical store to buy goods and services.

Overcome borders
The geographic advantages of an e-commerce are many. If you have a physical store you are limited by the geographic area you can serve while with an e-commerce site, the whole world is your customer base. Furthermore, you can direct a very specific clientele, even geographically speaking, to your website.
Acquire new customers
Physical retailing is brand and relationship driven. In addition to these two factors, online retail is also driven by traffic from search engines. It's not unusual for customers to follow a link in search engine results and land on an ecommerce website they've never heard of. This additional traffic source can be the game changer for some e-commerce businesses.
Find a product easily
It's no longer about pushing a shopping cart into the right aisle. On an e-commerce website, customers can click through intuitive navigation or use a search box to immediately narrow down their product search. Some websites remember customer preferences and shopping lists to facilitate repeat shopping.
Provide detailed informations
There are limitations on the amount of information that can be viewed in a physical store. It is difficult to give employees the ability to respond to customers who request information on all product lines. E-commerce websites can have additional information easily available to customers.
24 hours service
The opening hours of an E-commerce are 24/7, 365 days a year. From the merchant's point of view, this increases the number of orders he receives. From the customer's point of view, an "always open" shop is more comfortable.
Create niche products markets
Buyers and sellers of niche products may have a hard time locating each other in the physical world. Online, it's just a matter of the customer looking for the product in a search engine.